Thursday, November 13, 2008

According to an article on CNN

Here is how to be dumped with dignity

Okay number by number here? I am going to go over the things has on their list of to dos, or don'ts. Though, the after comments? Those are oh so me.

1. Don't argue with him. NO kidding. Unless you are deciding who keeps the dog, then fight for all you are worth.

2. Don't beg. Ugh. Begging? So not cool. Better to make the other person beg to come back into your life when you move on and do so faboo without them they can hardly breathe for the jealousy.

3. Don't go throwing a loud dramatic public scene? Okay, this one I take some issue with. Why the heck not? If you are being dumped by a guy (or girl) in public...look at them utterly aghast and in a dead pan yet shocked voice say "What do you mean you got drunk and had sex with the dog?" or "You really mean it, you are leaving me for my mother? What is wrong with you?" or "I always wondered why there was vaseline on the lawn mower." Then politely stand up and walk out of the room shaking your head...and stick them with the bill. Why just be a screaming weeping mess? Have some fun with it!

4. Don't befriend his friends. Well okay, yeah it is a bit dirty and skanky to go shagging your exes friends or getting their attention, but lets be frank who hasn't thought about it just a little. Really though? Fish in a different pond. You might still come up with a bottom feeder but at least he will have be full of different pond scum and poo!

5. Exacting revenge. According to the CNN article they say don't do it and use Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction as an example. Alright, so there are limits...but living well is the best revenge and that can't be ALL bad can it? (trust me lots of revenge stories to come!)

6. Don't destroy the ex's stuff. Alright fine, but I don't really agree that you should be spending money on the postage to send it back. Leave it in a box on the doorstep. Sheesh, YOU were the one dumped? Okay, yeah I know bigger person would be better than leave it in a box under an eave where it won't get rained on.

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